My name is Linda Cailler, I am the Volunteer Coordinator
for Chrysalis Place. Thank you for your inquiry regarding volunteer service.
We welcome volunteers at Chrysalis Place and have many opportunities for people to serve.
Volunteer info
We have set hours for food distribution to clients each Tuesday evening from 6:00 - 8:00 pm as well as each Thursday from 1:00 - 3:00 pm.
We also have hours each Tuesday and Thursday morning from approximately 8:30 - 10:00 am to receive food orders, inventory them in, and shelve the products. We always need additional drivers for Seniors delivery which occurs the third Wednesday morning of each month.
We also have a couple other special projects throughout the year which requires lots of hands on help.
We have a Contact Information sheet which needs to be completed by each volunteer. For all other volunteers performing community service (for credit) we have an additional form which records all hours served and which can be provided as necessary to schools, etc.
If you are interested in volunteering please let me know when to expect you. There is always a Director working all shifts that could show you around and introduce you to other volunteers. It is helpful to know when volunteers will be present so that we don’t overbook and have more people than jobs for them to perform.
Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions.